
Wildlife-Friendly Urban Designs

The urban environment can provide a rich, biodiverse place for many species. People also greatly benefit from urban spaces that offer opportunities to connect with nature.

Wildlife-Friendly Urban Designs services combines several key design considerations to reduce harm to urban wildlife and increase the carrying capacity and diversity of wildlife in cities.

We provide consulting for bird-friendly building guidelines to drastically reduce bird-strikes, the second leading cause of human cause of death to birds in North America. We provide help clients navigate the creation wildlife habitat within landscaping, rain gardens, swales, and green roofs and promote pollinator pathways.

Image: Bumblebee on echinacea (Photo by Heather Swift)

Residential Specialized Gardens

Wildlife Friendly Gardens

Invite more life to your property! Transform your yard into a certified backyard wildlife sanctuary with a palette of native plants that provide important food and cover -to birds and pollinators. Enjoy the diversity of life that an urban oasis attracts. We can help with both design and installation and use organic, permaculture approach. 

Image: Western Tiger Swallowtail

Image: Downy Woodpecker (Photo by Fil Tkazcyck)


Ethnobotany Garden

Your garden can provide food, medicinal herbs. We can work with you to select medicinal plants to feature or integrate into your landscaping or veggie garden. Cohabitats can also help you showcase PNW native plants that have historical and contemporary uses for food, medicine and other traditional uses.

Image: Camas (Photo by Heather Swift)


Green roofs can augment and diversity the carrying capacity of urban wildlife.

Image: New York Audubon Society green roof habitat attracts birds, pollinators and bats

(Photo by Heather Swift)